Articles by Kathryn Heyman

Kathryn Heyman has written feature essays and travel stories in Australia and the UK for Psychologies, The Times, eve Magazine, Sunday Times Travel Magazine, The Australian, Australian Traveller, Sydney Morning Herald, Melbourne Age and Vogue. Below is a small selection.

The power of a circuit breaker. Vogue Australia Read the Article

A letter to my daughter. Marie Claire Read the article

Kathryn writes about the dangers of empty charm. Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald, February 2017 Read the article

Fusing the ideas of free diving and violence against women. The Saturday Paper, March 2017 Read the article

Kathryn writes about her father’s stockwhip and how it reminds her of the life her childhood had picked for her – before her choices became her own. Good Weekend, Sydney Morning Herald Read the article

In praise of Tove Jansson, The Australian, June 2013

Defending depth in an age of 140 characters or less, Sydney Morning Herald, May 2013
(an edited excerpt of Heyman’s address to the NSW Premier’s Literary Awards)

The full text of the speech can be read on the awards website

Locks, Boats and Drifters (May 2011)
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homeGoing Back (August 2009)
Vogue Australia
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Friends Reunited/State of the Reunion (5 April 2008)
Good Weekend
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Mexico – Letter Home (16 November 2008)
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Dubai (Sept 13 2009)
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The Pursuit of Happiness (December 2008)
Published as “Joy to the World” in “Good Weekend” Sydney Morning Herald
and Melbourne Age
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Return from the Dead (July 2007)
Published in Eve Magazine UK
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A Kind of Hush (July 2007)
Published in the Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age
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Stealing Stories (July 2007)
Published as “Grand Theft Author” in The Weekend Australian
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Longing (June 2007)
Published in Psychologies Magazine UK
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In Search of the Inner Eden (March 2007)
Published as “Paradise Found” in Vogue Australia
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A Sudden Drop Into Paradise (December 2006)
Published in The Sunday Times Travel Magazine, UK
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The Importance of Here (July 2006)
Published in Sydney Morning Herald and Melbourne Age
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Out of South Africa (February 2004)
Published in The Sunday Times, UK
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To the Lifeboats (May 17 2003)
Published in The Sydney Morning Herald
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